Thursday, June 24, 2010

Night Scribling

Isn't it funny how nothing seems to change as you go through the motions of your everyday life, but when you look back, everything is different? 

Nothing stays the same for long (or maybe not long enough). If I have learned one thing in my short time in this world, it is this. Oh, and that people make you who you are. Even if you don't realize it at the time. Or even ever. 

Some may argue that you are the only one who can dictate who you will become. I choose to disagree. The experiences you create with those you surround yourself with are truely what makes you into... well, you. And that is something worth consideration.

So chose your loved ones carefully, knowing ahead of time that you will find yourself within these relationships. Settle into a rhythm of life, soaking up every experience as you mold your heart into it's own beating pattern. And be thankful for them too. You could not be yourseld without them. 

But also know that change is enevitable. People may come and go, but in truth, you will always have the part of them that made you who you are today. And that's where I find comfort: Knowing that every memory can be held deep in the quiet of my heart as I shape my life into who I'm meant to be. 

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