Saturday, April 23, 2011


Divine purpose calls for Divine explanation and you-
You don't have the answers. 

But HE does. 

He has the keys to my heart and the wisdom I grasp at thin air for and the ability to stretch out my soul inch by inch and peer straight into the deep violet folds of its existence. 

Because I don't exist for you. 
I exist for HIM. 

And if He should cause our paths to cross again- Maybe in some distant shining city 100 years from now, or perhaps tomorrow at the morning stoplight on Donaghey- Then so be it. 

But for now you are not my concern and this is not my concern because my concern is for His people. My concern is for His beautifully created world being torn down piece by piece and corroded with silent greed and billboards advertising great sex if you'll only by this body wash. 

My concern is that this seamless creation is being ripped apart by His own people who continue to ignore the enormous hole in this place- This gigantic black and bruised emptiness in each and every heart that can only be filled by Him. 

And when I stop to think I realize that concern is no longer big enough. But agony and pleading and desperate soul searching- These are words that speak. These are thoughts that mold and fashion and form. And when they are put into action, they move and shake and corrupt this tired world with His magnificent light until all the microscopic dust particles are caught in it's glorious rays and the windows of every house are thrown open and every person breathes it's peace into their revived lungs. 

And I'm not planning on it being easy. I didn't ask for easy. Dying and having babies and making marriages work isn't easy- but millions do it everyday. Having no place to call home and nothing but a tshirt in the frigid winter and listening to the shrill voice of your precious baby cry with injustice because they are dying of starvation isn't EASY. 

So why should my life be? 

I don't want to live with ease. I will not allow them to tell me I am not big enough to change the world. I will not let them tell me that WE cannot do something about the atrocities taking place all around us every single day. WE will convince them that concern is no longer enough. Because action is what will set the world alive. Because action is what He requires of us. 

So let these words stir your heart and move in the bottom of your soul and not sit quite right in your stomach and give your mind goosebumps- Until they become the reason you live, the reason you believe, they reason you BREATHE. 

And one day I do hope we meet again so that you can look into my eyes and find peace. So that you can see straight through the pulsing walls of my heart into my Soul. So that in the rosy warmth of my smile, and the kind understanding in my every move, you will feel His love. So that you will learn to live in these words- And WE will live in Him. <3

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